Message from Superintendent

Global Sevilla School is one of the few schools in the world to include mindfulness in the school’s character-building programme. Our students, our teachers as well as the school's leaders practise mindfulness through the day! This augurs well as it prepares us to cope with the stresses of living in our modern society. Global Sevilla School is on track to produce students with “future skills” such as interpersonal, problem-solving, critical thinking, entrepreneurial and leadership skills as well as an ability to strive in a digital and multicultural world. 

The schools will continue to focus on effective project-based learning as we believe that project-based learning leads to the development of analytical thinking and collaboration skills. Skills such as leadership, critical thinking and creativity can also be enhanced through project-based learning. 

Our teachers will also explore more meaningful ways to help our students not only to learn but also to enjoy learning. Learning must be meaningful! In this way, we can grow students to be life-long learners! At this point, I would like to reiterate the importance of reading, for both knowledge and pleasure. Reading is important because it develops not only our minds but also opens up the world for our children. Through reading, our children will develop not only their language skills but also learn more about the world around them. Reading fires up one’s imagination and creativity. The school will also tap on subjects like Art, Music and Physical Education to grow 21st-century skills such as teamwork and creative thinking. 

All of us in Global Sevilla School, together with the parents of the students, will work together as a team to optimize and bring out the best in every one of our students. Let us strive hard to make Global Sevilla School a premier school in Jakarta!

Odoo • Text and Image

Leadership Team

Board of Governors

1. Mr. Dr. (H.C.) Sudhamek A.W.S., S.H., S.E.
2. Mr. Vincent Jaya Saputra, M.Th., B.B.A., C.W.M.
3. Mrs. Omi Komaria Madjid
4. Mr. Ali Mardani
5. Mr. Ricky Atmadja
6. Mr. Yudie Soenjoto (Executive Secretary)