Parents' Testimonial

Since joining Global Sevilla School, Darren has been building the habit of independent learning. Obviously, I don't have to repeat much of school stuff at home. Darren can now finish his school homework and assignments with minimum supervision. I believe excellent method of teaching, which are being applied at school, has helped him a lot with his academics.
I love the fact that the teachers at Global Sevilla School focus on children's abilities and strengths rather than their weaknesses. At the same time, children are given the freedom to explore and express themselves, and be creative in their own way.
What I am impressed the most about Global Sevilla School is the Discord discussion group. I am really amazed when I found out that Darren and his friends really use it positively to have Q&A with his friends about test materials. Global Sevilla School does not only build the students' manners, balanced school life, with outdoor activities, is also promoted.
Parents of Darren
One thing I really like about Global Sevilla is that the school not only focuses on the academics; but also the mental health and personal growth of a child. Children are often engaged in class presentations and school performances from as early as when they’re attending nursery classes. This has a positive impact on the self-confidence of our children and their interpersonal skills.
―Mr. Yunarto Wijaya & Mrs. Ivone Kurniawan
Parents of Alvito Dean Wijaya, Alvaro Dean Wijaya & Allysia Anne Wijaya

“Belajar membangun karakter. Cleo menjadi lebih sopan, mengerti cara menghadapi orang, lebih percaya diri serta semua kemampuannya bisa tergali.”
―Mr. Judika & Mrs. Duma Riris
Parents of Cleo Deomora Sihotang
"Kami mempercayakan ketiga anak kami untuk sekolah di Global Sevilla Pulomas karena kami merasa cocok dengan kurikulum akademis dan juga dari segi non akademis serta pembangunan karakter yang diajarkan di sekolah.
Saat ini anak-anak kami yang ada di Secondary Grade 7, Primary Grade 4, dan Kindergarten K1. Sejauh ini kami merasa puas dengan apa yang telah dicapai anak kami.
Dan yang terpenting anak-anak kami merasa nyaman dan senang dalam menjalani proses belajar di Global Sevilla"
―Mr. Rionaldo Stokhorst and Mrs. Aureli Schulz
Parents of Shaista, Shanika and Raqilla

Saya memilih Sekolah Global Sevilla karena saya percaya Yayasan ini dengan pengalaman yang telah dijalani oleh Putra sulung saya Brandon Salim yang merupakan lulusan tahun 2011. Saat ini Putra bungsu saya mengikuti jejak kakaknya bersekolah di Global Sevilla. Saya mempercayakan anak-anak saya belajar disini selain karena kurikulum yang diterapkan juga karena sekolah ini membantu anak-anak saya dalam membangun karakter yang kuat, berwawasan luas, memandang masa depan dengan positif serta semangat mengejar mimpi mereka dan juga Global Sevilla terletak di area Pulomas menjadikan sekolah ini seperti melting pot pembauran anak-anak. Pembauran ini memberikan nilai lebih dari positif bagi sikap anak saya dalam menyikapi perbedaan suku, agama, dan ras sehingga rasa kesatuan dan persatuan terbentuk sejak dini.
Yang dibutuhkan bangsa dan negara saat ini dalam pembangunan adalah manusia yang memiliki karakter kuat, jujur serta memiliki prinsip serta berwawasan dan tidak mengenal perbedaan. Saya mendukung setiap kegiatan dan proses belajar dan mengajar di Global Sevilla School. Semoga semua murid lulusan sekolah ini menjadi manusia seutuhnya!
― Mr. Ferry Salim & Mrs. Merry Prakasa
Parents of Raoul Sebastian Salim
Global Sevilla School is not only the first mindfulness-based school in Indonesia but also a school that offers the same teaching method as in the UK or Singapore. Besides the beautiful exterior and school environment, the children are not only taught to excel in their academics but also sports and other activities such as dramas and class presentations. This helps a lot in building their confidence to become more independent.
Another good thing is that there are a lot of students from various nationalities and races, therefore our children could learn about their different cultures. Furthermore, parents are encouraged to be interactive with the teachers so that we can help to monitor our children's progress. We are glad to have chosen Global Sevilla School as a stepping stone for our kids.
We strongly recommend Global Sevilla School to parents who want to enroll their children in a school that not only provides a balance in academic and personal development for their children but also a safe, fun, and healthy environment.
―Mr. Juan Octo Dwiputera Wong and Mrs. Kim Jung Eun
Parents of Jiwu Eileen Wong and Yubin Melissa Wong

Our boys, Josh have been with Global Sevilla Pulo Mas since 2011 then Raoul in 2014 when we moved back to Jakarta from living their whole lives in Hong Kong. I may say the school chatter their needs of being secured within their new environment in a new country. They are currently in year 12 and year 9. Since then, they have seen significant growth not only academically but also in other areas of their school life. Global Sevilla provides well-rounded school experiences with good and important mixed social and cultural activities without losing focus on academics. We can see how they grow before our eyes from a boy to be a young man. We could not be happier with all the support that the school has offered us. There is no doubt that we always encourage our friends and relatives that looking for an all-encompassing yet engaging school experience for their child to consider Global Sevilla school.
― Parents of Josh & Raoul Spies
We are strong believers that education should prepare our children for the future. Not only is this important for academic preparedness but also a varied and complex world out there. We have three children (grade 2, grade 12, and a recent graduate) and all of them are or have attended Global Sevilla from primary to high-school. Global Sevilla is preparing our children academically as well as emphasizing the importance of being kind, responsible people.
The junior programs are fantastic, with caring teachers who teach language, the beginning math, science, geography, and technology skills as well as leading the children in their study of arts and craft. The excellence continues in the higher years with a strong focus on science, economy, and social studies. Also, the extracurricular program is very strong at every level from music, film, coding to debating at a world-stage. Our children absolutely love going to school and We feel confident in our decision to send them to Global Sevilla; it is more than a school, it is a community.
―Parents of Sarah, Hugo and Jemma Koenen

It is started when Rayyan is around 2,5 years old, we think that it might be good for him to be introduced to "outside-home learning”. Search, visits, and trials are initiated, one of them is to Global Sevilla School.
The first thing that comes as a positive image on Global Sevilla School is "space", it has enough space for the kid to learn and play.
After he joins the school, the next thing that we appreciate a lot is the teachers, they take care of the children with full attention and great empathy for each’s children capability and interest.
And now, after 2,5 years of joining Sevilla, Rayyan turns into a confident boy who is always responsible for his tasks at school and at home.
Thanks for helping him to grow and be a mindful kid!
―Mrs. Wijayanti Govindaraju
Parent of Rayyan Zaheer Ariz
"Hello kami dari keluarga Jones,
Memiliki anak tunggal adalah tantangan buat kami. Karena sifat dan karakter anak tunggal berbeda dengan anak anak lain yang memiliki saudara kandung. Ketika memutuskan untuk mencari sekolah pun,kita harus memilih yang tepat. Dan Global Sevilla ,menurut kami pemilihan yang baik buat anak kami. Banyak peningkatan dan kemajuan yang terjadi sejak bersekolah di sini, James menjadi anak yang lebih berkarakter dan penuh tanggung jawab dan selalu gembira dengan sekolah nya.
Sistem pengajaran pun sangat memuaskan buat kami,selama online school guru guru sangat berpengaruh untuk perkembangan anak anak,dan Global Sevilla mempunyai staff guru yang sangat mengerti anak anak,sehingga mereka mampu mencapai pemikiran anak anak yang membuat mereka mengerti semua pelajaran.
Kesabaran ,dan ketekunan semua guru,menurut kami sangat baik. Di tambah dengan mindfulness programe yang Global Sevilla punya, yang membuat self awareness pada anak anak sangat baik. Mindfulness programe mampu membuat anak anak menerima dan menyadari emosi mereka, serta memberikan pembelajaran mengambil keputusan atau respon terbaik mereka.
―Mr. & Mrs. Jones
Parents of James

Learning has been an extremely joyful experience for Nadya ever since she joined Global Sevilla Puri Indah. She especially loves her teachers who have provided her with just the right amount of guidance and encouragement for her to be able to thrive in her education. And with mindfulness as a foundation for her learning, not only has she been able to excel but also provided her with the right mental attitude and breathing exercise to balance her otherwise extremely competitive studies.
― Mrs. Kania Sutisnawinata
Parent of Nadya
I have placed my sons in this school for many years. Unlike other crammed schools with many students, here students can have a good friendly learning environment with the competitive curriculum. Here the students are very kind and friendly. I have witnessed many talents been realized and well nurtured in the various events that school provided. Also, I have known teachers always have a quick reaction to each parent's concern. With the help of the mindfulness aspect that the school emphasizes, I think students can learn how to cooperate with their mind and body that could surely be a useful tool for their future.
―Mrs. Ako Sakamoto
Parent of Jayden

"The teachers in Global Sevilla School have consistently demonstrated a genuine passion for education and have gone above and beyond to ensure that every student receives the necessary guidance and support to excel. They possess the rare ability to ignite curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and foster a love for learning in their students.”
Lastly, I would like to highlight the strong emphasis Global Sevilla Puri Indah School places on parent-teacher interactions. The regular communication channels, parent-teacher conferences, and involvement opportunities have allowed us to actively participate in Julius Owen’s education. The transparency and partnership between the school and parents have created a tight support system that has greatly contributed to the success of each student. All levels of faculty, including the principal and school heads, are fully committed to ensuring the availability of proper channels of communication.
In conclusion, Global Sevilla Puri Indah School has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in nurturing and shaping the lives of its students. The dedication of the faculty, the proper curriculum, the inclusive environment, and the collaborative approach with parents have all contributed to the remarkable success achieved by our son. We cannot express enough gratitude for the positive impact the school has had on Julius Owen’s academic journey and overall development"
-Parents of Owen